


Re-Defining Recovery from Trauma and Addiction with Historical Natural Medicine & Empathetic Aftercare



50 Million Americans Battle Trauma and Addiction Disorders with Little Hope of Permanent ReliefConventional Pharmaceuticals Treat Only Symptoms—Temporarily—Resulting in Unnecessary Relapse Rates, Continued Dependencies, and SufferingWellness Centers Abroad Offer Alternative Therapies with inconsistent dosage, poor quality and supply, often from illicit sourcesForeign Providers Operate Primarily from non-medical facilities and unregulated clinicsClinics Abroad Offering Alternative Therapies are Capturing Mainstream Appeal Due to Highly Promising Studies at Leading American Institutions

mPath Therapeutics Corporation Enjoys Unique Capability to Safely Produce Novel All-Natural Drug Shown Highly Effective in Long Term Recovery from PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury and Addiction DisordersmPath Therapeutics Will Produce Government Approved, GMP-Certified Pharma-Grade Medicine, Shipping from Free Trade Zone to Clinics WorldwidemPath Treatments Take Place in Hospital-Administered Clinics in Jamaica, Known for its Regulatory Support for Alternative Therapies



mPath Therapeutics purpose is to standardize and manufacture the world’s first certified all-natural medicine shown to help patients accelerate and stabilize recovery from the crippling effects of PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, Opioid Addiction, and related disorders including chronic pain, depression, and anxiety.Our mission is to be the leading developer of all-natural, life-affirming therapies driven by rigorous hospital-administered treatment, and compassionate, evidence-based therapeutic rehabilitation and aftercare.mPath Therapeutics is led by a group of distinguished experts and business builders. Team profiles can be viewed here.



While Ibogaine has shown great promise in treating addiction, it is not without risks and may not be appropriate for individuals with certain medical conditions such as heart problems or psychiatric disorders. mPath’s intake process involves thorough medical evaluation, full blood analysis, pre-screening for cardiac issues, as well as interactions with certain medications or drugs.Ibogaine treatment should only be administered under medical supervision in a controlled environment—mPath Ibogaine treatment is administered in a hospital under physician supervision.Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions



mPath fills a critical gap by providing legal, ethically sourced, pharmaceutical-grade Ibogaine, standardizing drug consistency, facilitating safer treatment at the hundreds of centers currently performing Ibogaine therapy worldwide.mPath will standardized protocols for for Ibogaine treatment and rehab at partner hospitals and clinics in Jamaica, opening new clinics worldwide as demand grows and regulations permit.mPath aftercare & co-therapy retreats personalize decompression and nurture empowerment for patients, families, and caregivers, providing tools for the journey to full recovery, together—anchored in a supportive community for lasting results.



mPath Therapeutics was launched by legacy executives steeped in holistic medicines with established pharmaceutical operations on-island. Over $5M USD was invested in state of the art manufacturing facilities, modern offices and key licenses. mPath access to these lucrative assets will accelerate drug development, production and distribution to a growing international customer base.



Ineffective treatments lead to continued abuse and prolonged suffering. Conventional pharmaceutical Medication-Assisted-Treatments don’t consider causation and brain chemistry, often leading patients to self-medicate with illicit drugs or seek treatment at foreign clinics able to offer promising alternative therapies unavailable in the U.S. under current FDA regulations, yet still employing risky black market medications.mPath will commence operations by administering clinical trials at our facilities in Jamaica with up to 20 veterans, at no cost.And while veterans are more commonly associated with traumatic disorders, 80% of Americans with PTSD are not veterans.We have much work to do.



mPath Therapeutics Corporation is currently raising $1M to fund Stage 1 & 2 developments:1) Supply existing clinics worldwide with first government-approved, pharma-grade, dosage precise Ibogaine produced in-house at existing GMP-certified facility.2) Develop Treatment and Aftercare Protocols and intellectual property from our headquarters in Jamaica, triggering a license to begin on-island patient treatment.If you have been personally affected by trauma or addiction--that's why we're here and we want to hear from you. If you would like to discuss joining us in this seed round, please contact us using the form below and we will reply directly.


We look forward to any comments or questions.
Thank you for your interest in mPath Therapeutics

Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive substance found in the root bark of the African shrub Tabernanthe iboga. It has been traditionally used in spiritual rituals and is now being explored for its potential in treating various addiction and mental health disorders.
How does Ibogaine Work
Ibogaine works by interacting with multiple neurotransmitter systems in the brain, including opioid receptors. It helps reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings by resetting the brain’s chemical balance, offering a potential pathway to long-term recovery.
What conditions can Ibogaine treat
Ibogaine is primarily used to treat opioid use disorder. It is also being used for its benefits in treating other substance use disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injuries (TBI’s)
Is Ibogaine Safe
While Ibogaine has shown great promise in treating addiction, it is not without risks. It can have serious side effects that include Cardiac complications. It should only be administered under medical supervision in a controlled environment. Our Ibogaine treatment is administered in a hospital under doctor supervision.
How to determine if you are able to be treated with Ibogaine
The intake process involves a thorough medical evaluation, with full blood analysis, that includes pre-screening for pre-existing cardiac issues, and for any possible drug interactions, prescribed or otherwise.
Is Ibogaine legal
The legality of Ibogaine varies by country. In some places it is classified as a controlled substance and is illegal. In other regions, including Jamaica, it is used legally for medical or research purposes.
What should I expect during an Ibogaine treatment session
During an Ibogaine session, patients may experience intense psychoactive effects, including visual and auditory hallucinations. These effects typically last between 18-36 hours. The treatment will be conducted in a safe, supportive environment with medical doctors present.
During an Ibogaine treatment session, you can expect:
- An initial medical evaluation to ensure you are a suitable candidate
- Administration of the Ibogaine dose under medical supervision
- Experience of intense psychoactive effects in a nurturing, safe, and supportive environment
- Follow-up care to support recovery and integration of the experience
How does Ibogaine compare to traditional treatments for Opioid addiction and PTSD
For opioid addiction
Traditional treatments like Methadone or Buprenorphine involve long-term use and daily administration, while Ibogaine aims to reset the brain’s neurochemistry with a one-time treatment.
Traditional treatments include psychotherapy (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy) and medications (SSRI’s). Ibogaine provides a different modality by potentially facilitating deep and lasting psychological healing in a single session.
Are there any long-term effects of Ibogaine treatment
- Patients report long-lasting positive effects, such as reduced cravings and improved mental clarity. However, the long-term impact of Ibogaine treatment can vary, and ongoing therapy and support are essential for sustained recovery.
- mPath is the only treatment center that offers both Ibogaine treatment and full 30-day rehabilitation program for OUD patients which greatly enhances the opportunity for success.
How effective is Ibogaine in treating Opioid addiction and PTSD
Studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that Ibogaine can be highly effective in reducing withdrawal symptoms and cravings for opioids. Additionally, it has shown promise in alleviating symptoms of PTSD by facilitating deep psychological processing and emotional release.
What are the potential benefits of using Ibogaine for opioid addiction and PTSD
For opioid addiction
- Rapid reduction of withdrawal symptoms
- Decreased cravings for opioids
- Potential insights into the psychological aspects of addiction
- Reduction in PTSD symptoms such as flashbacks, anxiety, and depression
- Facilitation of emotional processing and trauma resolution
- Improvement in overall mental health and well-being
Is Ibogaine suitable for everyone with Opioid Addiction or PTSD
Ibogaine is not suitable for everyone. It may not be appropriate for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as heart problems, psychiatric disorders, or those currently taking certain medications. A thorough medical evaluation is essential to determine suitability.
What should I do to prepare for an Ibogaine treatment
- Undergo a comprehensive medical evaluation with complete blood work
- Discuss your medical history and current medications with the intake team
- Follow all pre-treatment guidelines provided, including dietary restrictions or medication adjustments
- Arrange for post-treatment and follow up support with our team
How can Ibogaine help with the emotional aspects of PTSD
Ibogaine has shown to help with PTSD by allowing individuals to access and process traumatic memories in a therapeutic context. The psychoactive experience facilitates emotional release and provides new perspectives on past traumas, contributing to long-term emotional healing and symptom Reduction.
What does the Stanford Ibogaine Study say about its use for PTSD
The Stanford Ibogaine Study provides promising evidence supporting the efficacy of Ibogaine in treating PTSD. The study was conducted with rigorous scientific methodology, and found that there were no unexpected or serious treatment-emergent side effects. Which safely led to significant improvements in depression, anxiety and functioning.

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